Environmental, Social and Governance


The What

GO Contaminated Land Solutions prepares environmental and site condition reports for sites which the Environment Agency or local authority considers to be potentially contaminated. We give advice regarding the discharge of planning conditions, and we liaise with the relevant authorities to ensure their concerns are properly addressed. We take into account the needs of the developer and the constraints of the site to reach the optimal solution.

The How

Our mission is to conduct our business with integrity, giving our clients cost effective, tailored practical advice. We take pride in contributing to the creation of safe environments in which people can work and live, and where nature can flourish.

This is underpinned by effective implementation of Environmental Responsibility, Social Responsibility and Good Governance (ESG)

ESG for a Contaminated Land Consultancy

Environmental responsibility, social impact, and good governance play a vital role in effective contaminated land advice services.

Environmental responsibility ensures that appropriate measures are taken to protect and restore the environment affected by contamination. It emphasizes sustainable practices, such as minimizing pollution, conserving resources, and promoting ecosystem health. By upholding environmental responsibility, contaminated land advisory services contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment for communities and future generations.

Social impact recognizes the significance of human well-being and the potential adverse effects contamination can have on local communities. Contaminated land advisory services must prioritize the social implications of their actions, including the health and safety of residents, equitable access to resources, and community engagement. Addressing social impact fosters inclusive decision-making processes, transparency, and collaboration with affected communities. Good governance ensures the integrity and accountability of contaminated land advisory services. It involves transparent and ethical decision-making, adherence to regulations and standards, and effective management of resources. Good governance helps build trust among stakeholders and ensures that timely contaminated land remediation is carried out efficiently and effectively, with proper oversight and risk management.

Environmental Sustainability

At GO Contaminated Land Solutions, our commitment to environmental sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We firmly believe in protecting our planet and its resources for future generations. Our dedicated team of experts is passionate about finding innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact while addressing contamination challenges. We adhere to rigorous environmental standards and regulations, ensuring that our methodologies are both effective and sensitive to the ecology. By applying appropriate techniques and sustainable practices, we strive to reduce the ecological footprint associated with land development.

Through research and development we continuously explore new approaches, striving to achieve sustainable outcomes.

Assessing and Mitigating the Environmental Impacts of Contaminated Land

The GO Contaminated Land Solutions, team have a wide range of experience and skills: this range of expertise ensures comprehensive assessments and effective mitigation strategies for the environmental impacts of contaminated land. With our deep understanding of soil and groundwater contamination we provide tailored solutions to address the unique challenges faced by our clients.

Our experienced environmental team meticulously investigate contaminated sites, employing best practice and methodologies to gather accurate data. We analyse the potential risks to human health, ecosystems, and water resources, and developing customised remediation plans that to restore contaminated areas to ensure their suitability for use. 

Through our meticulous approach, we ensure compliance with regulatory standards whilst minimising environmental harm and protecting public safety. Our clients trust us to deliver sustainable solutions for contaminated land challenges.

Social Impact

Community Engagement at Sydenham Garden

Each year GO Contaminated Land Solutions have a community day supporting a local charity called Sydenham Garden as part of the company’s community engagement. Sydenham Garden mission statement is:

“Sydenham Garden’s mission is to promote the physical and mental wellbeing of residents living in South London, in particular by providing:

  • a community garden where horticulture is used for therapy and rehabilitation
  • opportunities for training for work and education
  • opportunities for artistic and creative expression
  • the protection and preservation of the environment for the benefit of the public through nature conservation or the promotion of biological diversity”

Each year we return to give support on much needed projects to help the charity achieve its aims. In previous years this has included rebuilding and restocking the wood store ready for winter. moving some raised beds, clearance and maintenance. This year we built a new pond to create a feature in the garden and support animals that rely on this habitat.


Charitable Donations

We give 1% of our annual turnover to a charity each year chosen from a variety of different charities that we believe in and are connected to our core values. These have included: 

1.Blueprint for all (previously known as Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust). This charity works with communities and organisations to create an inclusive society in which everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity or background is provided with tangible opportunities to thrive. 

2.DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal. They are among the first responders providing urgent aid, search and rescue operation. Also provide access to healthcare, shelter, heating in safe spaces, blankets, warm clothes and ensuring people have food and clean water.

3.Transform Trade, previously Traidcraft Exchange, describe themselves as “A global community of farmers, workers, collectives, campaigners, donors and supporters, we work together for trade that values people over profit.” They provide direct support and advice to producers in developing countries and campaign for fair trade policies and practices. 


Work Experience

We provide work experience opportunities for young people, allowing them to obtain an experience of the work environment supporting them in career decision making and planning and to add experience to their CV. With us the young people gain knowledge about our industry and learn business skills as part of school, college, or further education. Activities are varied and can include report writing to business development to data collation.

Team Building

Team building is important vital in to help increase motivating on, and developing and maintaining an good work environment. We have regular weekly team meetings and once every a month we have a team lunch to keep staff members connected. Team building also includes getting involved in community work with a local charity. We have occasional team game events which have ranged from online escape rooms to games in the parks locally and in central London and We aim to do more team games to keep good team morale.


Continued Professional Development (CPD)

We offer CPD talks to relevant companies to educate allied professionals within the built environment giving them the opportunity to develop their skillset and knowledge. This helps companies better understand what we do and thereby provide timely advice to their clients. These CPD events also help to build a rapport with other companies who we may potentially work with and thereby enabling a more effective and efficient project delivery

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion

At GO Contaminated Land Solutions, we firmly believe in fostering diversity, equality, and inclusion within our organization and the broader industry. We are committed to creating a workplace environment where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives. 

We actively promote diversity by embracing people of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, and backgrounds. We strive to ensure equal opportunities for career advancement and professional development, cultivating an inclusive culture that celebrates individual differences.

Through ongoing education and training we aim to foster awareness and understanding of engagement, diversity and inclusion issues, cultivating an environment where everyone can thrive and make meaningful contributions.


Governance and Ethics 

Ethical Conduct and Transparency

We are unwavering in our commitment to ethical conduct and transparency.  We firmly believe that our clients’ trust is earned through integrity and open communication.  Our team adheres to the highest professional standards, ensuring that every aspect of our work is conducted with honesty, fairness and respect for all stakeholders involved.

We prioritise transparency by providing comprehensive and accurate information, allowing our clients to make well informed decisions.

Our dedication to ethical conduct and transparency to ensures that we deliver reliable, accountable services to our valued clients.

Our Governance Structure

GO Contaminated Land Solutions is a small company with a flat structure. At the weekly team meeting all active projects are discussed with the director and the project lead. Timescale and resources are discussed and options for approaching the specifics of the project are reviewed to ensure timely delivery of the optimal outcome.

Compliance with Regulations, Laws and Industry Standards

GO Contaminated Land Solutions prioritises strict adherence to regulations and standards to ensure the highest level of compliance and integrity in our work.  We are fully committed to upholding local and national regulations governing environmental protection, health and safety, and land remediation.

Our team of experts stays up to date with evolving legislation and guidelines, enabling us to navigate complex regulatory frameworks effectively.  By maintaining compliance, we guarantee that our clients receive reliable and legally sound solutions for contaminated land management.  We conduct thorough assessments, investigations and remediation processes, always aiming to surpass industry standards and deliver sustainable outcomes for both our clients, and the environment.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Data privacy and confidentiality are of utmost importance to us. We ensure safeguarding sensitive information through robust measures.  We strictly adhere to industry standards and comply with data protection regulations.

Our team is trained to handle confidential data with the utmost care and professionalism. We utilise secure data storage system, encryption techniques, and access controls to prevent unauthorised access.



Case Studies

Mindenhurst, Camberley

The site was one part of a formerly part of a military site allocated for redevelopment. The remediation strategy set out different levels of works for each zone on site, depending on the contamination found. At one end of the scale the remedial works comprised testing the subgrade and importing 150mm of topsoil and at the other, 1m Engineered Cover System comprising a 200mm ‘No Dig’ layer, a geotextile membrane, 650mm subsoil and 150mm topsoil.

The brief for GO CLS was to monitor the remedial works to ensure implementation of the specified remediation strategy previously prepared by others and provide verification testing and reporting for approval by the local authority.

It was a pleasure to be a part of the team turning a brownfield site into a development comprising twenty-one properties, some terraced, others detached, with three, four and five bedrooms with such extensive surrounding communal amenity space

Memberships & Professional Engagement and Collaborations

GO CLS Engagement

GO CLS has CHAS Advanced accreditation.

GO CLS is a member of the Supply Chain Sustainability School which has a programme of training designed to enable a sustainable built environment.

The Environmental Industries Commission

GO CLS is a member of The Environmental Industries Commission, helping us to stay up to the minute on industry developments, as their website states:

“The Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) champions new environmental markets to Government and other stakeholders, representing the views of around 200 members.

Membership provides access to our eight groups across all environmental topics, exclusive access to our roundtables with senior policymakers and political leaders, access to funding opportunities and the chance to shape the joint ACE/EIC Net Zero campaign.”

Nature and Biodiversity: a guide for development


GO CLS were members of the Project Steering Group for the CIRIA publication A Guide to Small Brownfield Sites and Land Contamination. 

GO CLS were sponsors of the Contaminated Land Guidance Tool, a searchable database of over 200 industry guidance documents to help practitioners and other stakeholders assess and manage risk related to contaminated land and brownfield sites.

Individual Team Memberships

Members of the team are also members of The Institution of Environmental Sciences, The Institution of Civil Engineers, The Chartered Management Institute, the Society of Brownfield Risk Assessors, the United Kingdom Environmental Law Association and The Royal Society for Public Health.


These partnerships and collaborations play a pivotal role in enhancing our ability to deliver comprehensive and effective advice regarding contaminated land.  By collaborating with diverse stakeholders and regulatory bodies, we access a wealth of specialised knowledge, resources and best practices.  These partnerships enable us to offer innovative solutions, timely assessments, and expert guidance to our clients.  

Reporting Metrics

Maintaining our and CHAS Advanced accreditation requires our reporting on a range of ESG criteria.

Sustainability Commitments and Future Goals

We keep all of our practices under constant review. One specific target is to see all team members engage with the Supply Chain Sustainability School training.


We are here to help and advise.
Please call us on 020 8291 1354, or email askgo@gosolve.co.uk